Health Promotions


Transform Your Life Image

Car Seat Safety

Keeping children safe is a priority of all parents, especially when traveling. The leading cause of death in children is motor vehicle crashes. Using the appropriate car seat can reduce your child’s risk of injury by 71% - 82% . Yet, despite best intentions, SafeKids worldwide estimates that three quarters of child safety seats are improperly installed.  For example, a loose harness can’t hold a child in a car seat during an accident.

To ensure your car seat is properly installed contact Central Utah Public Health Department. Our health department has 4 certified car seat techs that cover our six-county health district.  New car seats are available based on current grant funding.  To have your car seat checked or obtain a new car seat, please contact our Richfield office and you will be referred to the car seat tech in your area.

For more information on car seat guidelines please visit the following website:

To access more car seat guidelines please visit:

Car Seat Safety Graphic

Tobacco Prevention and Control

Central Utah Health Department is here for you and your family members in your journey to better health. FREE tobacco cessation kits are available at all CUHD offices. 

It is unlawful to sell tobacco or nicotine products to anyone under 21 years of age.

The Utah Tobacco Retailer Education Guide will help you prevent individuals younger than 21 years of age from having access to tobacco products, electronic cigarette products, and nicotine products.

CUHD can help businesses create a tobacco policy, review and provide suggestions to enhance current tobacco policies, share free cessation resources, and provide no smoking signage at no cost.

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Contact Heidi Pearson for additional information.

Physical Activity Resources

Below are links to resources in each community.

Physical Activity Resources in

Physical Activity Resources in

Physical Activity Resources in

Physical Activity Resources in

athletic woman with rubber tape on white background. studio portrait, double multiple exposure effect,combined images

Physical Activity Resources in

Physical Activity Resources in

Physical Activity Resources in

Physical Activity Resources in

EPICC Program: Environment Policy & Improved Clinical Care

Top Star Training for Day Care Providers

Teaching Obesity Prevention in Early Childcare and Education Settings, TOP Star for short, is a Utah Department of Health and Human Services program created to improve the health of children who are cared for in early childcare and education settings. The goal of TOP Star is to help childcare providers improve their nutrition and physical activity environments. Training to become a certified Top Star provider is available through Central Utah Health Department

For more information about the Top Star program visit:

Clinical Improvement Project:

Central Utah Health Department offers an incentive program to local health care clinics to track chronic disease rates and promote evidence-based practices that improve self-management rates. The chronic diseases targeted in this program  include: hypertension, diabetes, prediabetes and cholesterol rates.

 Diabetes Management Resources 

Research indicates that approximately 186,706 people in Utah or 8% of the adult population have diagnosed diabetes. Central Utah’s health district has a lower rate at 6.8%. However, many people that have Type 2 Diabetes or are Prediabetic don’t know they have it. If you would like to learn more about prediabetes visit the website and take the risk quiz.

For more information on how to prevent Type 2 Diabetes visit:

There is currently one Diabetes Self-Management Education Class (DSME) and one National Diabetes Prevention Program Class (NDPP) in the CUPHD health district. 

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Million Hearts Program

Million Hearts® 2022 is a national initiative to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes within 5 years. It focuses on implementing a small set of evidence-based priorities and targets that can improve cardiovascular health for all 12 local clinics in our Health District have received the Million Hearts Award For more information about the yearly Million Hearts Challenge please visit:

For information on how to take accurate blood pressure readings at home please visit:


Recommended Class for Diabetes

DSME : Central Valley Community Pharmacy 

152 West 1500 North
Nephi, Utah 84648

NDPP: Four Points Clinic

440 South Main Street 
Richfield, Utah 8701 

Contact your local health department for additional classes.

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